Category Archives: General

The Augmentation Mastopexy Procedure for Revitalized Breasts

Published on May 12, 2017

There are numerous surgical options for women looking for a better figure. Many women feel self-conscious about how they look, and this can affect their self-esteem and their lifestyle. If you want a more proportionate figure, augmentation mastopexy might be

A Dermabrasion Treatment Rejuvenates the Skin

Published on April 28, 2017

Fine lines and wrinkles are the most common markers of facial aging, and there are a number of cosmetic procedures to combat them. Facial lines can also be caused by smoking, drinking, genetics, and sun exposure. Dermabrasion is a very

Tighten Loose Ab Muscles and More

Published on March 28, 2017

Unhappy with the flab around your midsection? If your stomach’s looking too big despite your workout sessions, you may have drooping ab muscle tissue. Excess fat and skin are also common problems. For a solution, may people consider the tummy

Sagging Lower Abdomen? The Answer May Be a Mini Tummy Tuck

Published on February 28, 2017

Most people complain about having a sagging, flabby lower abdomen. Although the cause of such a condition cannot be attributed to one factor only, an unhealthy lifestyle typically contributes to it. Pregnancy and weight fluctuations also result in a sagging

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Causes and Surgical Treatment

Published on January 20, 2017

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTC) is a medical condition resulting from a pinched nerve in the wrist. The median nerve runs through the carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel, also called the carpal canal, is a narrow passageway that connects your forearm

The Benefits of a Limited-Incision Facelift

Published on December 23, 2016

A limited-incision facelift, also sometimes called a weekend lift or a mini-lift, is a popular variation of a traditional facelift. As the name suggests, it’s a less-invasive version of the facelift and offers versatility and beautiful results. The limited-incision facelift

Rejuvenating the Labia with Labiaplasty

Published on November 30, 2016

The labia are four externally visible folds of the vulva. The labia majora, or outer labia, are closer to the thigh, and the labia minora, or inner labia, are the inner folds at the opening of the vagina. The labia,

Your Brachioplasty Surgery

Published on November 18, 2016

Brachioplasty, otherwise known as arm lift surgery, is common among people who have sagging skin in the upper-arm region. Typically, skin droops as a result of massive weight loss, aging, or genetic factors. The excess fat in this area can

Benefits of a Radiesse Treatment

Published on September 23, 2016

If you are looking for a procedure that gets rid of those wrinkles, folds, facial lines, and other signs of aging, you should consider a Radiesse procedure. This treatment is well-known for its long-lasting effects and results that are truly

The Vertical Mastopexy Technique

Published on August 11, 2016

A vertical mastopexy is a technique used for women who want their breasts to droop less and be perkier. The results are long lasting. There are many types of mastopexy; in this blog, we will discuss the vertical mastopexy technique.

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