Getting Fuller Lips with the Help of Dermal Filler Injections

Published on September 22, 2017

As one ages, a lot of facial volume is lost due to the loss of subcutaneous fat. As facial volume is lost, the face appears older. Once-full lips become thinner, start to sag, and lose definition.

Cosmetic fillers are very helpful when it comes to restoring volume and fullness to any area of the face, including the lips. Once a filler is injected, it supports and shapes the tissue of the lips, giving them a fuller appeal that adds to the overall look of the face as well as the smile.

To restore beauty and shape to the lips, we use hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane and Juvederm. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance in the body that attracts water molecules in order to keep skin healthy and moisturized.

Benefits of Using Restylane and Juvederm

Restylane and Juvederm treatments are great ways to enhance the lips, as they have multiple benefits and can be easily administered.

These treatments enhance the volume of the lips in a controlled manner, meaning that the injections can be administered slowly and precisely until the desired results are achieved. The results of the procedure will look natural instead of overinflated.

The dermal filler treatment procedure is efficient and quick, typically requiring only around a half an hour to complete. Because this is non-surgical minimally invasive treatment, recovery afterwards is nearly instantaneous and has a lower risk of complications than surgery would. You will be able to resume your daily routines very soon after your treatment.

Any lumps or bumps caused by the migration of the filler can be solved easily. There are chances that there may be less swelling and bruising after the procedure as compared to other dermal fillers.

These dermal fillers offer instant results in the doctor’s office, and full results may take one to two days to appear. These results will last for at least six months after treatment. Touch-ups and follow-up treatments will be available.

Lip Enhancement Aftercare

After your lip enhancement injections, you will need to make sure to follow your plastic surgeon’s post-treatment instructions as closely as possible. This will ensure a low rate of complications and beautiful results.

Do not apply lipstick or lip balm to the area until the doctor advises so. It will also be important to avoid extreme temperatures for a short time. After the healing process is over, the lips should feel absolutely normal.

Arrange a Consultation with an Experienced Plastic Surgeon

Before your lip-enhancement injections, you will need to meet with a doctor who you can trust and speak to openly. Your doctor will perform an examination to take a closer look at the area. You will tell your doctor about the results you wish to achieve, and he will recommend the ideal course of action.

During this consultation, your doctor will discuss the treatment procedure with you in greater detail, and you will be able to ask any questions that you may have. If you would like to set up a consultation with skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Lawrence Glassman, contact our office today.

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