Reconstructive & Plastic Surgery Blog

Tag Archives: Dr. Lawrence Glassman

Fillers…what you don’t ask can hurt you

Published on April 1, 2015

For best results…ask questions first The use of facial fillers is rising in popularity. In 2012, hyaluronic acid placed second in the top 5 minimally invasive procedures, trailing only Botox. Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse and other fillers are sought after by

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How “Smart” is your lipo?

Published on March 15, 2015

Liposuction is one of the most common, as well one of the most commonly misunderstood cosmetic procedures performed by plastic surgeons. Liposuction, or suction assisted lipectomy (SAL) as it is also known, allows a surgeon to contour a patient’s shape

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The Over/Under Debate

Published on March 1, 2015

When undergoing breast augmentation there are a number of choices which need to be made: saline or silicone? Implant size: Larger or smaller? Incision location? One of the most commonly debated choices is that of implants placement: subglandular vs. submuscular?

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Sun…Fun…and Scalpels?

Published on February 15, 2015

Bargain Hunters Beware! Understanding why lipo-tourism is an attractive option for those seeking plastic surgery is not difficult. Who would not be interested in combining what many believe to be “minor” surgery with travel to an exotic destination at a

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Breast Implants…The (Gummy) Bear Necessities

Published on February 1, 2015

Cohesive Gel… Form Stable… and Gummy Bears…Oh My!   Cohesive gel?…Form stable?…Gummy Bear?…What do these terms have in common? With the recent introduction and FDA approval of the next generation of Breast Implants, the attention of patients, physicians and the

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